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Working mother: 5 helpful tips to succeed!

Life is a balancing act for many people, but this is especially true for working moms. Trying to juggle your career, duties as a wife and the responsibilities to your children can be challenging and overwhelming.

Try these tips to effectively cope with the pressures and demands of your incredibly busy life:

-Set proper boundaries to provide adequate attention to each of your roles. No scheduling solution is perfect, but the effort alone will pay big dividends in your stress level and effectiveness as a parent, wife and career woman.

-Similarly leave work at work when you come home for the evening and give your family your undivided attention. You will get more done in less time and feel less stressed.

-Allow your kids to choose the activity they wish on the weekend. This communicates value to your children and lets them know that they are important to you. During this time, focus exclusively on them and enjoy your time together.

-Similarly, leave work at work when you come home for the evening and give your family your undivided attention. You will get more done in less time and feel less stressed.cannot interfere.

-Let your children know about your career, why it’s important to you, and why it’s important to them. The more they know about where mom spends her day, the more accepting they will be of your absence while you are at work.

-Similarly, leave work at work when you come home for your evening meal. Switch off your cell phones and any distracting gadgets during the time spent with your family so work cannot interfere.

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